


已完结 / / 动漫 /中国大陆 / 2023




  • 昆虫物语 小蜜蜂啊迪 勇气的乐章 3.0 昆虫物语 小蜜蜂啊迪 勇气的乐章
    昆虫物语 小蜜蜂啊迪 勇气的乐章
    2010 日韩动漫
    简介:  生き別れた母親と再会するために、旅を続けるみつばちハッチ。ところが、森を旅している途中で、人間の住む街、セピアタウンに迷い込んでしまう。そこでハッチは虫と会話ができる不思議な少女、アミィと出会い……。
  • 青蛙的叫声 3.0 青蛙的叫声
    2014 欧美动漫
    简介:  A fantastic journey sometimes begins with one tiny little hop. Ribbit is a frog with an identity crisis. Unlike frogs, he hates hopping and has a strong aversion to water. Feeling a misfit, he is full of questions about his life... and so together with his best friend, a flying squirrel, he embarks on a soul-searching journey in search of the truth and his rightful place in this world. Set amongst the breathtaking backdrop of the Amazon rainforest, they surge ahead in their quest for the answer to life's mysteries... encountering a zany variety of colourful characters, both friend and foe, along the way. Confusion reigns when Ribbit is accidently hypnotised. Is Ribbit a human prince trapped in a frog's body by an evil curse... or is he merely a confused colourful denizen of the jungle?
  • 羽国之旅 3.0 羽国之旅
    2014 欧美动漫
    简介:  这是一个关于等待不可能的故事。这是一只年幼的小兔子,他还不懂得生命的规则,试图与最强大的势力斗争。随着他的长大,他对生命了解得越来越多。
  • 蒸盒号起航 2.0 蒸盒号起航
    2014 国产动漫
  • 阿布乐乐 4.0 阿布乐乐
    2015 欧美动漫
    简介:  Adam's older brother was killed in a car crash a year ago. His family has not been the same since. As his parents struggle to cope with their grief, Adam (10), plagued with guilt over his brother's death feels he is all alone in the world. But everything changes the day he meets Abulele. The Abulele are ancient monsters, bear-sized. Local legends tell that they are extremely dangerous, but in fact, they turn out to be quite friendly and playful creatures. Abulele quickly becomes Adam's best and most secret friend. Together, they outsmart Adam's mean schoolteacher and beat the class bullies. But Adam's parents start to suspect he is harboring a secret, And when a government, Special Forces unit called "Thunder" appears in the neighborhood on a mission to capture Abulele things go from bad to worse. In order to save his best friend, Adam will have to get Abulele back home to its family, and to do so, he will need to put the past behind him and realize that when you truly love someone, ...
  • 长江7号:超萌特攻队 1.0 长江7号:超萌特攻队
    2015 国产动漫
    简介:  周小狄(徐娇 配音)和周爸(石班瑜 饰)、外星狗七仔(林簌 配音)、大胖狗朱古力(简耀宗 配音)一起过着幸福快乐的生活。某日,他们在废弃的游乐园里遇见了外星迷糊战士88号。迷糊战士告诉周小狄,此时星际大魔王金宝宝(马语飞 配音)正在蠢蠢欲动,它策划了一个名为“暗黑美食计划”的阴谋,想要靠此称霸地球,而迷糊战士的责任,就是打倒金宝宝,保护地球。  周小狄决定帮助迷糊战士,他们得知,有一本失传已久的古籍上记载了能够打败金宝宝的秘密武器,于是一行人踏上了寻找古籍的旅途。一路上,会有怎样有笑有泪的故事在等待着他们呢?


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